In The Booth In 30 6-29

We’ve been giving away tickets the last couple weeks here at ESPN Radio Syracuse to see the premiere of the ESPN 30 For 30 about Mike and the Mad Dog, and tomorrow Seth talks to executive producer Ted Shaker. He will not divulge any answer that was given during the interview. Why were Mike and the Mad Dog so successful? Dan says it’s because they sounded like fans. Jimmy Butler gave out his cell phone number at a news conference, and the number was quickly disconnected. Dan doesn’t like getting tweets from Crunch fans who feel they know more than he does about the team. The Syracuse Chiefs are changing their name in August to the Syracuse Salt Potatoes for one game only. In an extended ‘D’Uva’s Doghouse’ Dan goes after Charley Rosen for defending Phil Jackson. Seth gives a Get Out of the Doghouse free card to MLB umpire John Tumpane, who saved a woman from attempting suicide in Pittsburgh.



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